
Waste Water - & Sewage Treatment Plants

Agriculture & Biogas Plants

- faecal matters

- sewage sludge

- screenings

- industrial waste water

- manure with litter and solids

- fermentation products & digestates

- food preparation for pig fattering

- food waste

Paper & Pulp Industry

Slaughterhouses & Rendering Plants

- pulp

- sludges

- starch-suspensions

- lime milk

- cellulose suspensions

- sludges from filter cakes

- waste water

- rendering products

- animal blood

- rumen / paunch

- bones & skin - suspensions

Fishing Industry

Food Industry

- sewage from slaughterhouses

- fish scraps

- waste from fruits

- food starch

- waste from sugar beets

- yeast products

- thick juice

- molasses

- kitchen waste

Oil- & Petrochemical Industry

Chemical Industry

- oily sludges

- oils

- high viscous liquids

- oil/water - emulsions

- emulsions

- pastes

- sludges

- fats

- acids and leaches

Disposal & Recycling

Shipping Industry & Oil Rigs

- used oils

- tank cleaning

- liquids with ash and soot

- pulp

- food waste grinding

- sludge oils

- waste water (greywater)

- faeces (blackwater)

- bilge water

- oil/water-emulsions


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